How to Choose the Best Products for Car Paint Maintenance?

 One thing that many auto enthusiasts expect from car detailing is glossy, reflective paint. There are many ways to benefit from this, so choosing the right product or products could be challenging. The main functions of car waxes and sealants are to protect your paint and make it shine. Most products fulfil each of these requirements to varying degrees, but premium products offer premium levels of paint protection and/or attractiveness. The possibilities will be explained in this post so you can decide which one best meets your needs and make an informed decision.

The following three categories of automotive paint protection exist:


There have been car waxes used for exterior car detailing Winnipeg for many years. However, one of the biggest problems with waxes is that they aren't very durable. Waxes can last anywhere from a few days to up to three months, depending on the type you're looking at. Instead of bonding with your paint like other choices do, waxes "sit" on top of your paint. During the sweltering summers, if your car is left outside to sit, the wax may entirely melt and disappear in a matter of days.

Waxes do, however, still have a role in the car detailing world. Nothing surpasses a fantastic high-quality carnauba wax if you own a classic car with single stage paint or a stable color paint (no metal flakes) and are seeking to achieve an intensity & warmth look in your paint. 


Polymers are present in paint sealants. When these polymers are put to your paint, they adhere to your paint and provide a far more slippery, tough floor than a wax does. Compared to waxes, this harder floor shows the paint more. Sealants typically last between six and nine months.  If you don't have much time to devote to car maintenance, sealants are a great solution because they are just as simple to apply as liquid wax.  Your car will remain well protected and in wonderful shape if you apply a sealant in the fall and again in the spring, and then supplement it with a polymer detail spray after few car washes.

Graphene and Ceramic

Graphene-based products are far newer, and for the exterior car detailing in particular, they are still only offered in a sprig-on or paste format. Products made mostly of ceramic contain Si02. These Si02 glass particles, which are nanoscale in size, adhere to your paint at the molecular level and provide a considerably more durable barrier than paint sealants. Chemical resistance is overly strong in ceramics. A ceramic is the way to choose if you're looking for the most effective weather protection.

Ceramics are also incredibly slippery, which gives them a fantastic water beading effect. Ceramics are currently offered in a wide variety of unique papers. Which one is best for you really depends on how sturdy you like things. Obviously, the coating's durability and level of safety increase with coating thickness. 

A Few Words on Detail Sprays

Detail sprays are not intended to serve as a "base layer" of protection. However, they can be a very useful item to have in the toolbox of services for car detailing, regardless of using a wax, sealant, or ceramic detailer. Between washes, use element sprays to get rid of grime, fingerprints, and other things. They are a quick, tidy way to consistently improve the appearance of your paint.

Factors to Bear in Mind

Consider some of the following factors while deciding which products are great ideal for exterior car detailing:

  • Is the car pushed all year round? If so, think back to the sealer or ceramic you used to provide the weather protection.

  • Is the car outside, parked? Even if your car is garaged at night, if it is left outside for several hours in the afternoon while you think, use a more durable substance to protect the paint.

  • Time and desire constraints. If maintaining your car is not your "factor" and you simply wash your car when it gets dirty, you can apply a ceramic coating that, with a little bit of protection, will provide you with years of protection.

  • If you fit this description, you have a wide range of options. In lieu of the level of protection a paint protection product delivers, you might focus your decision entirely on the style you want to achieve.


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